Sunday, October 18, 2009


Uganda Log: Sunday 18 October 2009

We left Kampala at 8:30 am and took the Mubende Road, also known as the "Aids Highway" westbound to Fort Portal: the first leg of our journey

The streets were alive with open markets and people dressed in their Sunday best.

We came upon a Baptism taking place in a river somewhere around Mubende

Erin, Nate and I enjoyed the lunch buffet at the Gardens Restaurant in Fort Portal. It was my first experience with real African food. Although each serving tray was labeled, I'm not sure what exactly was in each dish. When I asked the servers for more specifics, they would just repeat to me what was on the label. I tried a little of everything and liked some of this things more than the others. All in all it turned out to be a very good meal.

A pleasant afternoon in Fort Portal, a town of about 45,000 named after Sir Gerald Portal, a former British Special Commissioner for Uganda.

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