Monday, October 26, 2009


Uganda Log: Monday 26 October 2009

We loaded up and departed around 9:16 for Rurangara. We started out with 5 people in the car: Nate, Erin, P.j. myself and Albert, our escort with his AK47. Nine pygmies were stuffed in along the way and three of the women had babies strapped to their backs. At least we didn't pick up a goat today. About four hours were spent in the rain forest with them and it rained for most of the time. The Batwa didn't seem to care; they just loved being back in the forest. We set up a new transect a few meters off the old one and then had lunch in the forest. Levi picked up five more Batwa from Kemiremu and four for Bikuto. Eighteen marched through the forest for us in the rain (and two had to go twice due to bioharness malfunctions). The participants were fed in the shelter by the tea fields and then escorted back to the clinic by 3:30 where we spent the rest of the day taking measures, photos and ultrasounds of their legs and ankles. They are a fun bunch of people. Even though we stuffed them in car like a bunch of sardines and rode over some of the worst roads on planet earth, they laughed and giggled all the way home. We've been leaving our cabins at dawn and returning after dark.

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