Saturday, October 17, 2009


Uganda Log: Saturday 17 October 2009

The accommodations at the apartment were very nice—Luis gave up his room for the old guy and he slept on the sofa.

Nate and Erin went off to bed in the master suite while I took a cool shower and downloaded photos onto my laptop. However I fell asleep in a sort of jack-knifed sitting position during the process and had to be shaken awake by Luis. I wanted to fire off an email with a couple photos attached but it just wasn't in me. I went to bed and slept for about 2-3 hours but was awakened by the beat of drums. It turned out that my room was across the street from a Kampala dance club. This went on until well after 5 am. I needed to be up by 7 am because the next morning we were to begin our drive to the southwest tip of Uganda where the town of Buhoma lies just outside the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

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