Sunday, October 18, 2009


Uganda Log: Sunday 18 October 2009

We arrived at Queen Elizabeth National Park by mid-afternoon. Nate became our personal Safari guide as we set out to [photo] shoot wild game.

This is a Cape Buffalo. I had read that the Cape Buffalo was responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal (besides man). I didn't like the way he was looking at us.

This Warthog is nothing to mess with either. It is reported that lions have bled to death after being gored by a warthog tusk.

The Ugandan Kob, the antelope that appears on the Ugandan Coat of Arms, can be seen grazing the savanna by the thousands.

This was our first lion sighting. Erin yelled from the back seat for Nate to stop the car as she spotted two sets of pointy ears sticking up from the tall grass. Two lion cubs were waiting patiently as their mother was seen in the distance stalking 5 cape buffalo. However the buffalo turned the tables on the lioness and, in unison, they began a charge directly at her. She made a hasty retreat and hurried back to protect the cubs. CLICK HERE to go to YouTube and witness this great action.

African Fish Eagle. This bird is huge. The female has a wingspan of about 8 feet.

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