Friday, October 30, 2009


Uganda Log: Friday 30 October 2009

We awoke early to pack in preparation for leaving later today. We stopped by the Craft Banda and picked up Frank. We then drove down to the Guesthouse and had breakfast. Nate and P.J. headed back to laser the forest and pick up the transect lines. Erin, Frank and I headed up the mountain to visit the Batwa Cultural Center. It was over an hour's walk—pretty much straight up.

We went by several houses and small farms on the way. The house on the right would cost about $600 U.S. dollars.

We are located in the same forest but just outside the boundaries of Bwindi National Park, so people are allowed to own land, farm and live in their own dwellings on this part of the mountain.

A local woman retrieves water from a small stream.

Feeling a little tired, I was happy to think that we had made it to our destination. In a few minutes I would realize that we were only about half way up. We were actually at a small settlement occupied by the Batwa proprietors of the Cultural Center. Here we met Bernard, James and their women who would be escorting us the rest of the way.

The musical instrument that the woman is carrying is a harp-like devise made with the spines of an umbrella mounted on a board.

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