Friday, October 23, 2009

Gorilla Tour 3

Uganda Log: Friday, 23 October 2009:

Suitable for framing:

As Erin was taking photos of a mother with her 2 month old baby (b. 19 Aug 09) another gorilla walked right past me from behind—within six feet of me.

Just then a large Gorilla from the nest stood straight up, grunted, and faked a charge right in front of Erin who was taking a video, although it was a little shaky at that point.

As we headed deeper into the forest toward a small valley, our original group of gorillas wandered away and we hooked up with another group. Several yards to our left a great Silverback passed us up and headed into a valley.

He then settled into feeding on the far side of the valley but was still easily seen along with about eight members of his family. Everyone was so engrossed with watching this majestic scene; we didn't notice a sizable gorilla approaching us from behind. A tracker told me that there was a gorilla behind me and that it was O.K to take his picture as long as I didn't move around too much. I followed this creature through my camera lens as he came right up next to me and stopped. If I had a cup in my hand, I could have used him as a coffee table. Erin was recording this incident with her video camera as the gorilla began to move again—right past the other tourists in our group and by Erin who had to dodge slightly from his path.

Within two hours, we probably observed two dozen gorillas, not counting all the shaking branches and bushes where they were feeding and moving while under cover. As we recounted this experience afterwords, Erin and I agreed that at no time did we feel threatened nor frightened, excited yes, but not intimidated in any way.

View some more video clips:


This one couldn't get any closer!

Gorilla skips by Erin

1 comment:

  1. Yay! It was so much fun to go gorilla trekking with you, Jack!
