Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Uganda Log: Wednesday 28 October 2009

P.J., et al went in and set up seven Batwa with bioharnesses. We then waited for Nate and the others. They arrived at 1:55 and by 2:15 we sent our first of 14 along the transect. The process was complete at 3:24. Blackie called to say that another bolt was broken while removing the wheel so he would try and limp back to Buhoma, leaving us with 14 pygmies.

Our ranger, Albert. He was quiet but a good guy. Once during a rain storm in the forest he gave up his rain poncho to make up a canape for Nate's thermo camera. He stood in the rain but Nate's $60,000 piece of research equipment was protected. Albert also helped with loading and uploading the vehicle and other things he wasn't required to do. He just pitched in wherever he could like so many other Ugandans we came across during this trip.

The rain was beginning to fall. So we quickly packed up our equipment and prepared to exit the forest. This little lady had just completed her turn doing the transect walk which was designed to tire her out. As I was about to hoist one of the equipment packs onto my back, she just stepped in, gave me a stern look, grabbed the pack--which was sizable and of considerable weight--plopped in on her head, and off she went! All I had to do was try to keep up with her.

I could see my pack being carried across the tea fields in the distance.

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