Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Uganda Log: Wednesday 21 October 2009

We rode over to Guesthouse for breakfast at 7:30 with the family from the big house: Alison, Mya, and Gideon. After eating, there was a Redtail monkey playing in the banda with Gideon and several others were on the roof of the cottage next door.

Nate and P.J. (both PhD's) team up to beat a 10-year-old in Scrabble.

Here is our base of operations, P.J.'s lodging facility, and the place where we break bread.

Gino, possibly the best cook in all of Uganda.

The back of the Guesthouse showing the solar panels on the metal roof.

Claire, a recent college graduate who is offering volunteer work for the BDP, sleeps in a tent adjacent to the Guesthouse but she uses the Guesthouse to take her meals, shower, and Skype her parents back in the States.

Claire is not the only one who relaxes on the rear patio of the Guesthouse.

Redtail monkeys are frequent visitors.

Across the rear yard from the Guesthouse is a quaint banda.

Its a nice place to read and keep out of the afternoon sun.

Gideon goes to explore the banda . . .

. . . and finds that he is not alone.

Who's watching whom?

That's why they all them Redtails.

There are more on the roof next door.

See video.

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