Thursday, October 22, 2009


Uganda Log: Thursday 22 October 2009

Greeting the Batwa, or the Bakiga, or any people in this vicinity of Uganda for that matter, is considerably formal. When you address a male you would say, "Agandi Sebo," in the Rukiga language. For a female you would say, "Agandi Nyabo." Some of the people had a little trouble responding to the trouser-wearing Erin with her floppy hat. We heard more than one "Agandi Sebo's" coming from the Batwa women. It was hard for us to imagine Erin being mistaken for a man, but Ugandan women just don't wear pants.

Flour and beans were doled out routinely to the Batwa volunteers after a long day of cooperation.

P.J. is readying the volunteers for the march across the tea fields and into the forest.

Blackie at Byumba.

Preparing for the forest.

Off again to the forest.

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