Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Uganda Log: Tuesday 20 October 2009

This Poster was used to help show the Batwa what the scientists were seeking. It was put together by Nate, Erin, P.J. and Luis. Double click on the photo for an enlarged view.

View video to see Nate setting up the first point of the transect line.

Erin is checking the handheld GPS.

Nate and P.J. are weaving the transect line through the forest off the pathway so as to be more challenging to the Batwa.

You could get lost out there.

Erin keeping company with Mutwa (The singular of Batwa).

P.J. doing double duty as photographer.

Mutwa is fitted with a bioharness. This devise will record all movement as the subject moves along the transect.

Erin is giving instructions to Joseph, the interpreter from the BDP, while Nate sets up the tripod for the thermographic camera.

Final preparations before the first Mutwa is set out to do the circuit.

Nate takes thermographic images before and after the Mutwa's journey to compare heat differentials.
We are seeking a volunteer to climb a tree for us. Jothem is being encouraged to step forward.

Preparing to video record the tree climb.

Nate says that you're not a real scientist until you've made it through a downpour in the rain forest. This was the first of many.

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