Saturday, October 31, 2009


Uganda Log: Saturday 31 October 2009

Nate did the research for his PhD here in 1999. We got to see where Nate lived for 11 momths and we saw the research center, library, tool shop, etc. which is all affiliated with the UWA (Uganda Wildlife Authority) and Makerere University, which is located in Kampala.

We took a walk through the forest and saw monkeys and heard chimpanzees but then the rains came quite heavily and we went back to the Guest House where we took our first hot showers in 2 weeks, had a few beers, and a wonderful dinner.

Monkeys in trees are not easy to spot.

A Strangler Tree. See Britannica Online to see why this is such an interesting tree.

This is a very familiar sign for Nate and Erin and anyone else who has been to their house in California. One of these old and battered signs for Kibale National Park hangs on the house facing their back yard.

Watch video:

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