Friday, October 23, 2009


Uganda Log: Friday 23 October 2009

After our gorilla tour Erin and I went to my place for lunch where the housekeeper, Susan, was making up the bed. We then all took the 40 minute walk back to the Guest House.

Nate, Erin, and P.J. went out to make plans for tomorrow and I walked back home. I met Saul (who set up this Gorilla trek) along the road and stopped under a shelter by a tea field with him during a rain storm then continued home. There was a construction site off the road facing into a valley which reminded me of archaeological digs I saw in Britain of Roman villas from around 300 AD. I stopped to visit the tent camp. Very nice: $300 USC/night for a double, $180 for a single, which includes meals, bath tubs, hot water and electric.

Building sites in Buhoma:

Enjoying my Jack Fruit at the Guesthouse. It didn't taste bad, but we had to use cooking oil and then soap and water to get the stickiness off our fingers.

I walked back to my room for a shower and, for the first time: four hours of doing nothing.

On the way home after dinner, something went wrong with the car: clutch, transmission, hopefully just fluid. In any event, plans for tomorrow will be altered until we get this matter resolved.

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