Saturday, October 24, 2009


Uganda Log: Saturday 24 October 2009

Since our car didn't work, we had to walk to breakfast . Nate met with Blackie, P.J. and Levi and they devised a plan for the car. Amazingly there was one man in Buhoma who had break fluid (the cap was missing probably from bouncing over the bad roads.) The transmission began working again and Blackie rigged up a temporary cap out of tin foil, a cap from a large prescription bottle and some duct tape. So we could stay on course with our plans for the day, which was to bring a group of Batwa from Mpungu to Byumba where they would be measured, thermographically photoed, and asked to walk the transect while wearing a bioharness. While most groups will have a special request, this group from Mpungu asked for us to throw them a party afterwords. So a party it will be.

Our Nissan Patrol was packed with party supplies for the Batwas: flour, beans, bananas, juice boxes, bottled water and, oh yes, a live goat. The goat peed and pooped in the back of our car, but we got even with it later: we ate it. We stopped at the UWA office and picked up our Ranger, Albert, with his AK 47, then we stopped for more flour, then off to Mpungu where we picked up more Batwa.

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