Monday, October 19, 2009


Uganda Log: Monday 19 October 2009

We had a great buffet breakfast and sat on the terrace with the little yellow Weaver birds and watched hippos across the shore through Nate's binoculars. The cloudy morning sky was filled with 612 varieties of bird species. We packed up our Nissan Patrol SUV and began our tour of the park.

Within 5 minutes of our venture we spotted 3 lions. I have to wonder if one of them was our visitor from the night before?

This lion had blood on his face. Possibly from a recent kill or perhaps from a fight with another lion over a female.

The male was about a settle down with his lioness.

We now have a couple.

Some 40-50 yards away, we spot the possible looser. It must have been a pretty good battle over this female.

View some clips (we were quite close to these guys)

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