Sunday, October 18, 2009


Uganda Log: Sunday 18 October 2009

Main Street, Fort Portal

Curiously Mary cut out this Tribune article while we were away because she thought it would interest us. She had no idea that while we were in Fort Portal we were witnessing much celebration in the streets. We asked a gas station attendant what was going on and he told us about the reinstatement of the king. Just then a truck load of young men drove by. The back end of the truck was overflowing with chanting and singing celebrants who were waving, what looked like, animal skins in the air.

To the market in search of hot sauce for P.J.

Situated between the Rwenzori Mountains, Kibale National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park, Fort Portal is an important market town. Several crater lakes and the Semliki Valley also lie near the town. (Wikipedia)

Now on the lookout for some candy-coated termites for nephew David. Sorry David, no luck.

We are now ready to begin our next leg of the journey:

south of the equator to Queen Elizabeth National Park

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