Monday, October 12, 2009


Uganda Log:  Monday 12 Oct 09

Erin gave us a tour of her lab.
Motion and Gait Analysis Laboratory, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

She works mostly with children with cerebral palsy but only sees patients on Wednesdays.

Uganda Log:  Tuesday 13 Oct 09

Torrential rains came; we went to REI's and picked up last minute items for trip.

Uganda Log:  Wednesday 14 Oct 09

I ran for an hour along the culvert into the park. This would be my last run for almost a month.

Uganda Log:  Thursday 15 Oct 09

We drove Mary to SJC Airport after lunching at Hobee's. She flew back to Chicago and to her work at Navistar. Then Erin and I were given a ride to SFO by Erin's friend Mary Beth. I got to go on Grandpa patrol and ride in the back seat with Mary Beth's 5 week old daughter, Layla.

We were ready for our 16 hour flight to United Arab Emerites.

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