Monday, October 19, 2009


Uganda Log: Monday 19 October 2009

Our cabins (Nate and Erin's cabin and my cabin were basically the same) were only about 30 yards apart and they both looked into the forest.

The "Big" house at the base of the hill where we parked our car. A British-American woman , Alison, was staying there with her two kids: Mya 17 and Gideon 10. They would often hitch a ride with us to and from the Guesthouse where they would also go for their meals.

This is the road from our cabins leading up to "Main Street" in Buhoma. Seen is the back of the Craft Banda where baskets and other crafts made by the Batwa pygmies were sold.

The backside of other structures along Buhoma's main thoroughfare.

It's a good walk from our cabins to the Guesthouse: about 40 minutes. We usually went by car since we really couldn't spare an hour and a half travel time for every meal.

An orphanage just down the road from my cabin. I could often hear the children singing to the beat of drums.

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