Sunday, October 18, 2009


Uganda Log: Sunday 18 Oct 2009

We had a very nice dinner—I had the Nile Perch. When Erin went to use the lady's room she heard some deep humming sounds and when she described them to Nate he said that it sounded like a lion. When we went to get our room keys, the lady at the desk said we'd have to be escorted to our rooms which were in other buildings because a lion was seen prowling in the bushes. So a woman, about 35 years of age, armed with a flashlight and a walkie-talkie, took us to our rooms. She didn't seem to be too happy about it either.

A lion was spotted in this row of bushes.

The room to which I was escorted.

View of the bush row outside my room window.

The next day we planned to tour more of Queen Elizabeth National Park with Nate as our tour guide. We would then take off on the last leg of our journey: the road to Buhoma and the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Although it appears to be a short distance on the map, it still will take several hours because the roads are incredibly horrible.

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