Thursday, October 22, 2009


Uganda Log: Thursday 22 October 2009

We returned to the clinic and ate lunch. Joseph then gathered all the participants and told them how much we appreciated their help. Everyone received extra rations of wheat and beans. To my surprise, all the Batwa began to applaud and give thanks to us.

Since we finished up early, Nate, Erin, P.J. and I were able to go the Silverback Lodge for some cold beers. There we met David who was our first escort from the UWA (Uganda Wildlife Authority). David is an interesting guy: very intelligent and very personable. He is too valuable a gorilla tracker and guide to go into the forest with us anymore. He discussed, or I should say monologued, politics, romance, philosophy and gorilla tracking where he claimed to be one of the very best trackers in the UWA.

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